
To get this branch, use:
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  • Committer: edam
  • Date: 2012-12-21 15:53:30 UTC
  • Revision ID: tim@ed.am-20121221155330-j2zt31mh1b55mdty
- added "all done" message
- rewrote Importer.finish() to make the exit process more consistent
- moved Doit's message definitions to Doit
- ensure the importer is destroyed in Doit.onPause()
- only show the toaster popup if a) there is an importer to abort, and b) the abort actually did something (i.e., it's not already aborted)
- bugfix: added some checks for abortion to the Importer after wait()ing after a dialog. Importer.wake() now alsy does a notify() to break out of dialog waits.
- also, made Importer.checkAbort() protected, so it can be checked from specific importers as desiredadded thank you message to intro
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Size
Backend.java 17 2012-12-21 12:04:38 UTC 1.2 KB Diff Download File
ConfigureVCF.java 13 2012-04-24 11:45:53 UTC 5.3 KB Diff Download File
ContactsBackend.java 19 2012-12-21 13:28:27 UTC 5.5 KB Diff Download File
ContactsContractBackend.java 19 2012-12-21 13:28:27 UTC 6.1 KB Diff Download File
Doit.java 12 2012-04-24 11:29:44 UTC 9.6 KB Diff Download File
Exporter.java 18 2012-12-21 13:26:31 UTC 10.8 KB Diff Download File
FileChooser.java 12 2012-04-24 11:29:44 UTC 11.4 KB Diff Download File
Intro.java 14 2012-12-19 15:51:48 UTC 1.5 KB Diff Download File
VcardExporter.java 19 2012-12-21 13:28:27 UTC 8.1 KB Diff Download File
WizardActivity.java 12 2012-04-24 11:29:44 UTC 2.6 KB Diff Download File