bzr branch
by edam
- added file chooser |
1 |
/* |
2 |
* |
3 |
* |
by edam
updated all URLs, email addresses and package names to |
4 |
* Copyright (C) 2010 Tim Marston <> |
by edam
- added file chooser |
5 |
* |
6 |
* This file is part of the Import Contacts program (hereafter referred |
by Tim Marston
minor style tweaks |
7 |
* to as "this program"). For more information, see |
by edam
updated all URLs, email addresses and package names to |
8 |
* |
by edam
- added file chooser |
9 |
* |
10 |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
11 |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
12 |
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
13 |
* (at your option) any later version. |
14 |
* |
15 |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
16 |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 |
18 |
* GNU General Public License for more details. |
19 |
* |
20 |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
21 |
* along with this program. If not, see <>. |
22 |
*/ |
23 |
by edam
updated all URLs, email addresses and package names to |
24 |
package am.ed.importcontacts; |
by edam
- added file chooser |
25 |
26 |
import; |
27 |
import; |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
28 |
import; |
by edam
- added file chooser |
29 |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
30 |
import java.util.Collections; |
31 |
import java.util.Comparator; |
by edam
- added file chooser |
32 |
33 |
import; |
34 |
import; |
35 |
import android.content.Context; |
36 |
import android.content.DialogInterface; |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
37 |
import android.os.Environment; |
by edam
- added file chooser |
38 |
import android.view.LayoutInflater; |
39 |
import android.view.View; |
40 |
import android.view.View.OnClickListener; |
41 |
import android.view.ViewGroup; |
42 |
import android.widget.AdapterView; |
43 |
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; |
44 |
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; |
45 |
import android.widget.Button; |
46 |
import android.widget.ImageView; |
47 |
import android.widget.ListView; |
48 |
import android.widget.TextView; |
49 |
50 |
public class FileChooser |
51 |
{ |
52 |
// pick an existing directory |
53 |
public final static int MODE_DIR = 1; |
54 |
55 |
// pick an existing file |
56 |
public final static int MODE_FILE = 2; |
57 |
58 |
59 |
private Dialog _dialog; |
60 |
61 |
// mode |
62 |
private int _mode = MODE_DIR; |
63 |
64 |
// ok was pressed |
65 |
boolean _ok = false; |
66 |
67 |
// working path |
68 |
private String _path; |
69 |
70 |
// selected filename |
71 |
private String _filename; |
72 |
73 |
// enforce extension (in file-mode) |
74 |
private String[] _extensions; |
75 |
76 |
// path to secretly prefix all paths with |
77 |
private String _path_prefix = ""; |
78 |
79 |
private Context _context; |
80 |
private ArrayList< RowItem > _items; |
81 |
private DialogInterface.OnDismissListener _on_dismiss_listener; |
82 |
83 |
// class that represents a row in the list |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
84 |
private class RowItem implements Comparable< RowItem > |
by edam
- added file chooser |
85 |
{ |
86 |
private String _name; |
87 |
private boolean _directory; |
88 |
89 |
public RowItem( String name, boolean directory ) |
90 |
{ |
91 |
_name = name; |
92 |
_directory = directory; |
93 |
} |
94 |
95 |
public String getName() |
96 |
{ |
97 |
return _name; |
98 |
} |
99 |
100 |
public boolean isDirectory() |
101 |
{ |
102 |
return _directory; |
103 |
} |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
104 |
105 |
@Override |
106 |
public int compareTo( RowItem that ) |
107 |
{ |
108 |
if( this._directory && !that._directory ) |
109 |
return -1; |
110 |
else if( !this._directory && that._directory ) |
111 |
return 1; |
112 |
else |
113 |
return this._name.compareToIgnoreCase( that._name ); |
114 |
} |
by edam
- added file chooser |
115 |
} |
116 |
117 |
// class to manage our list of RowItems |
118 |
private class RowItemAdapter extends ArrayAdapter< RowItem > |
119 |
{ |
120 |
private ArrayList< RowItem > _items; |
121 |
122 |
public RowItemAdapter( Context context, int textview_resource_id, |
123 |
ArrayList< RowItem > items ) |
124 |
{ |
125 |
super( context, textview_resource_id, items ); |
126 |
_items = items; |
127 |
} |
128 |
129 |
@Override |
130 |
public View getView( int position, View convert_view, ViewGroup parent ) |
131 |
{ |
132 |
View view = convert_view; |
133 |
if( view == null ) { |
134 |
LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from( _context ); |
135 |
view = factory.inflate( R.layout.filechooser_row, null ); |
136 |
} |
137 |
RowItem rowitem = _items.get( position ); |
138 |
if( rowitem != null ) { |
139 |
( (TextView)view.findViewById( ) ) |
140 |
.setText( rowitem.getName() ); |
141 |
( (ImageView)view.findViewById( ) ).setVisibility( |
142 |
rowitem.isDirectory()? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE ); |
143 |
} |
144 |
return view; |
145 |
} |
146 |
} |
147 |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
148 |
@SuppressWarnings( "serial" ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
149 |
class InvalidPathPrefixException extends RuntimeException |
150 |
{ |
151 |
} |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
// constructor |
by edam
- fixed bug where a file chooser wouldn't know it's context when the context was used |
156 |
public FileChooser( Context context ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
157 |
{ |
by edam
- fixed bug where a file chooser wouldn't know it's context when the context was used |
158 |
_context = context; |
by edam
- added file chooser |
159 |
} |
160 |
161 |
public void setMode( int mode ) |
162 |
{ |
163 |
_mode = mode; |
164 |
} |
165 |
166 |
public void setPath( String path ) |
167 |
{ |
168 |
_path = cleanUpPath( path ); |
169 |
File file = new File( _path_prefix + path.trim() ); |
170 |
171 |
// path and filename |
172 |
if( file.isFile() ) { |
173 |
_path = _path.substring( 0, _path.length() - 1 ); |
174 |
_filename = _path.substring( _path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ); |
175 |
_path = _path.substring( 0, _path.length() - _filename.length() ); |
176 |
} |
177 |
178 |
// else, treat as just a path |
179 |
else |
180 |
_filename = ""; |
181 |
} |
182 |
183 |
public void setExtensions( String[] extensions ) |
184 |
{ |
185 |
_extensions = extensions; |
186 |
} |
187 |
188 |
// set dismiss listener |
189 |
public void setDismissListener( |
190 |
DialogInterface.OnDismissListener on_dismiss_listener ) |
191 |
{ |
192 |
_on_dismiss_listener = on_dismiss_listener; |
193 |
} |
194 |
195 |
// set the path prefix |
196 |
public void setPathPrefix( String path_prefix ) |
197 |
{ |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
198 |
// set to cleaned-up path, with trailing '/' removed so that it can be |
by edam
- added file chooser |
199 |
// trivially pre-pended to a cleaned-up path |
200 |
_path_prefix = cleanUpPath( path_prefix ); |
201 |
_path_prefix = _path_prefix.substring( 0, _path_prefix.length() - 1 ); |
202 |
} |
203 |
204 |
public boolean getOk() |
205 |
{ |
206 |
return _ok; |
207 |
} |
208 |
209 |
public String getPath() |
210 |
{ |
211 |
return _path + _filename; |
212 |
} |
213 |
by edam
- fixed bug where a file chooser wouldn't know it's context when the context was used |
214 |
public Dialog onCreateDialog() |
by edam
- added file chooser |
215 |
{ |
216 |
// custom layout in an AlertDialog |
by edam
- fixed bug where a file chooser wouldn't know it's context when the context was used |
217 |
LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from( _context ); |
by edam
- added file chooser |
218 |
final View dialogView = factory.inflate( |
219 |
R.layout.filechooser, null ); |
220 |
221 |
// wire up buttons |
222 |
( (Button)dialogView.findViewById( ) ) |
223 |
.setOnClickListener( _fileChooserButtonListener ); |
224 |
( (ListView)dialogView.findViewById( ) ) |
225 |
.setOnItemClickListener( _fileChooserItemClickListener ); |
226 |
227 |
// return dialog |
by edam
- fixed bug where a file chooser wouldn't know it's context when the context was used |
228 |
Dialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( _context ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
229 |
.setTitle( " " ) |
230 |
.setView( dialogView ) |
231 |
.create(); |
232 |
dialog.setOnDismissListener( _on_dismiss_listener ); |
233 |
return dialog; |
234 |
} |
235 |
236 |
private OnClickListener _fileChooserButtonListener = new OnClickListener() { |
237 |
public void onClick( View view ) |
238 |
{ |
239 |
switch( view.getId() ) |
240 |
{ |
241 |
case |
242 |
// close dialog and free (don't keep a reference) |
243 |
_ok = true; |
244 |
_dialog.dismiss(); |
245 |
break; |
246 |
} |
247 |
} |
248 |
}; |
249 |
by Tim Marston
minor style tweaks |
250 |
private OnItemClickListener _fileChooserItemClickListener = |
251 |
new OnItemClickListener() { |
252 |
public void onItemClick( AdapterView< ? > adapter_view, View view, |
253 |
int position, long id ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
254 |
{ |
255 |
RowItem rowitem = _items.get( position ); |
256 |
257 |
// handle directory changes |
258 |
if( rowitem.isDirectory() ) |
259 |
{ |
260 |
String dirname = rowitem.getName(); |
261 |
if( dirname.equals( ".." ) ) |
262 |
strtipLastFilepartFromPath(); |
263 |
else |
264 |
_path += dirname + "/"; |
265 |
_filename = ""; |
266 |
267 |
updateList(); |
268 |
} |
269 |
270 |
// handle file selections |
271 |
else |
272 |
{ |
273 |
_filename = rowitem.getName(); |
274 |
updateCurrentSelection(); |
275 |
} |
276 |
} |
277 |
}; |
278 |
279 |
public void onPrepareDialog( Context context, Dialog dialog ) |
280 |
{ |
281 |
// set up reference to dialog |
282 |
_dialog = dialog; |
283 |
_context = context; |
284 |
285 |
// reset "ok" |
286 |
_ok = false; |
287 |
288 |
// pick text based on mode |
289 |
int title = 0, current = 0; |
290 |
switch( _mode ) { |
291 |
case MODE_DIR: |
292 |
title = R.string.filechooser_title_dir; |
293 |
current = R.string.filechooser_current_dir; |
294 |
break; |
295 |
case MODE_FILE: |
296 |
title = R.string.filechooser_title_file; |
297 |
current = R.string.filechooser_current_file; |
298 |
break; |
299 |
} |
300 |
dialog.setTitle( title ); |
301 |
( (TextView)dialog.findViewById( ) ) |
302 |
.setText( _context.getString( current ) ); |
303 |
304 |
// clear filename in directory mode |
305 |
if( _mode == MODE_DIR ) |
306 |
_filename = ""; |
307 |
308 |
// set root path icon |
309 |
( (ImageView)_dialog.findViewById( ) ) |
310 |
.setImageResource( pathIcon( cleanUpPath( _path_prefix ) ) ); |
311 |
312 |
// setup current-path-specific stuff |
313 |
updateList(); |
314 |
} |
315 |
316 |
public static String cleanUpPath( String path ) |
317 |
{ |
318 |
path = path.trim(); |
319 |
320 |
// ensure it starts and ends in a '/' |
321 |
if( !path.startsWith( "/" ) ) path = "/" + path; |
322 |
if( !path.endsWith( "/" ) ) path += "/"; |
323 |
324 |
return path; |
325 |
} |
326 |
327 |
public static int pathIcon( String path ) |
328 |
{ |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
329 |
// get sdcard path |
330 |
String sdcard_path; |
331 |
try { |
332 |
sdcard_path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() |
333 |
.getCanonicalPath(); |
334 |
if( sdcard_path.charAt( sdcard_path.length() - 1 ) != '/' ) |
335 |
sdcard_path += "/"; |
336 |
} |
337 |
catch( IOException e ) { |
338 |
sdcard_path = null; |
339 |
} |
340 |
341 |
// special paths |
by edam
- missing check for null |
342 |
if( sdcard_path != null && path.equals( sdcard_path ) ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
343 |
return R.drawable.sdcard; |
344 |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
345 |
// default |
by edam
- added file chooser |
346 |
return; |
347 |
} |
348 |
349 |
public String prettyPrint( String full_path, boolean return_full ) |
350 |
{ |
351 |
String path = full_path; |
352 |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
353 |
// get sdcard path |
354 |
String sdcard_path; |
355 |
try { |
356 |
sdcard_path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() |
357 |
.getCanonicalPath(); |
358 |
if( sdcard_path.charAt( sdcard_path.length() - 1 ) != '/' ) |
359 |
sdcard_path += "/"; |
360 |
} |
361 |
catch( IOException e ) { |
362 |
sdcard_path = null; |
363 |
} |
364 |
by edam
- added file chooser |
365 |
// special names |
by edam
- determine path to SD card by querying android |
366 |
if( sdcard_path != null && path.equals( sdcard_path ) ) |
by edam
- added file chooser |
367 |
return " " + _context.getString( R.string.filechooser_path_sdcard ); |
368 |
369 |
// remove prefix, if present |
370 |
if( path.startsWith( _path_prefix + "/" ) ) |
371 |
path = path.substring( _path_prefix.length() ); |
372 |
by Tim Marston
minor style tweaks |
373 |
// unless path is "/", strip trailing "/" |
by edam
- added file chooser |
374 |
if( path.length() > 1 && path.endsWith( "/" ) ) |
375 |
path = path.substring( 0, path.length() - 1 ); |
376 |
377 |
// if full path not required, strip off preceding directories |
378 |
if( !return_full ) { |
379 |
int idx = path.lastIndexOf( "/" ); |
380 |
if( idx != -1 ) path = path.substring( idx + 1 ); |
381 |
} |
382 |
383 |
return path; |
384 |
} |
385 |
386 |
protected void strtipLastFilepartFromPath() |
387 |
{ |
388 |
int at = _path.lastIndexOf( '/', _path.length() - 2 ); |
389 |
if( at != -1 ) _path = _path.substring( 0, at + 1 ); |
390 |
} |
391 |
392 |
protected void updateList() |
393 |
{ |
394 |
// reset item list |
395 |
_items = new ArrayList< RowItem >(); |
396 |
397 |
// open directory (and ensure _path is a directory) |
398 |
File dir = new File( _path_prefix + _path ); |
399 |
while( !dir.isDirectory() ) { |
400 |
if( _path == "/" ) |
401 |
throw new InvalidPathPrefixException(); |
402 |
strtipLastFilepartFromPath(); |
403 |
dir = new File( _path_prefix + _path ); |
404 |
} |
405 |
406 |
// add ".."? |
407 |
if( !_path.equals( "/" ) ) |
408 |
_items.add( new RowItem( "..", true ) ); |
409 |
410 |
// get directories |
411 |
class DirFilter implements FileFilter { |
412 |
public boolean accept( File file ) { |
413 |
return file.isDirectory() && file.getName().charAt( 0 ) != '.'; |
414 |
} |
415 |
} |
416 |
File[] files = dir.listFiles( new DirFilter() ); |
by edam
- fixed NPE while listing files from a bad path |
417 |
if( files != null ) |
418 |
for( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) |
419 |
_items.add( new RowItem( files[ i ].getName(), true ) ); |
by edam
- added file chooser |
420 |
421 |
// get files |
422 |
if( _mode == MODE_FILE ) |
423 |
{ |
424 |
class VCardFilter implements FileFilter { |
425 |
public boolean accept( File file ) { |
426 |
if( file.isDirectory() || file.getName().startsWith( "." ) ) |
427 |
return false; |
428 |
String filename = file.getName().toLowerCase(); |
429 |
for( int i = 0; i < _extensions.length; i++ ) |
430 |
if( filename.endsWith( "." + _extensions[ i ] ) ) |
431 |
return true; |
432 |
return false; |
433 |
} |
434 |
} |
435 |
files = dir.listFiles( new VCardFilter() ); |
by edam
- fixed NPE while listing files from a bad path |
436 |
if( files != null ) |
437 |
for( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) |
438 |
_items.add( new RowItem( files[ i ].getName(), false ) ); |
by edam
- added file chooser |
439 |
} |
440 |
by edam
- take over orientation and keyboard hiden/shown config changes, to prevent our activities being restarted |
441 |
// sort |
442 |
class RowItemSorter implements Comparator< RowItem > { |
443 |
@Override |
444 |
public int compare( RowItem lhs, RowItem rhs ) { |
445 |
return lhs.compareTo( rhs ); |
446 |
} |
447 |
} |
448 |
Collections.sort( _items, new RowItemSorter() ); |
449 |
by edam
- added file chooser |
450 |
// setup directory list |
451 |
( (ListView)_dialog.findViewById( ) ).setAdapter( |
452 |
new RowItemAdapter( _context, R.layout.filechooser_row, |
453 |
_items ) ); |
454 |
455 |
updateCurrentSelection(); |
456 |
} |
457 |
458 |
private void updateCurrentSelection() |
459 |
{ |
460 |
// set current path |
461 |
( (TextView)_dialog.findViewById( ) ).setText( |
462 |
prettyPrint( _path_prefix + _path + _filename, true ) ); |
463 |
464 |
// enable/disable ok button |
465 |
if( _mode == MODE_FILE ) |
466 |
_dialog.findViewById( ).setEnabled( _filename != "" ); |
by edam
- fixed bug in file chooser where "ok" button could remain disabled |
467 |
else |
468 |
_dialog.findViewById( ).setEnabled( true ); |
by edam
- added file chooser |
469 |
} |
470 |
471 |
} |