bzr branch
by edam
- updated TODO |
1 |
* VcardImporter.Vcard.finaliseParsing() should be renamed to finalise() to |
2 |
override Importer.ContactData.finalise(), if Java will permit us to do that |
3 |
(fnaliseParsing() throws stuff that finalise() doesn't), and should call |
4 |
super.finalise(). |
5 |
* rename Importer.isImportRequired() to checkForDuplicate() and make it private. |
6 |
This should be called from Importer.importContact(), which should then call |
7 |
skipContact() to update the UI and return if checkForDuplicate() returns |
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false. |
9 |
* ContactData.finalise should create a ContactsCache.CacheIdentifier and throw |
10 |
ContactCannotBeIdentifiedException() if that fails, which can be picked up |
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in Vcard.finalise(). Importer.importContact() and the renamed |
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Importer.checkForDuplicates() should use the ContactData's CacheIdentifier |
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and not create their own. This will also ensure that ContactData.finalise() |
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has been correctly called (or the identifier would be null). |
15 |
* import a crap-load of contacts before release! |
by edam
- fixed logic for vcard field types (home, work, cell, etc) so it works |
16 |
* change some public final static ints, that aren't really consts, in to enums |
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* create a back-end object to read/write to android. This can be overridden to |
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use the new ContractsContacts API. |
19 |
* add warnings when email addresses, phone numbers, etc, fail sanitisation (and |
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are ignored) during the import |
by edam
- updated TODO |
21 |
* add base64 decoding to support (even if to ignore) vcards with image data |
by edam
- updated NEWS, TODO and manifest |
22 |
* possible bug: when displaying "aborting import" toaster, make sure the back |
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button is enabled and the abort button is hidden (as if abort were pressed) |
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since this can happen if, say, the alarm goes off. |
by edam
- renamed VCFImporter to VcardImporter and VCard to Vcard |
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* add facility to be asked whether to import all contacts, not just those that |
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are duplicates. |
by edam
- updated NEWS, TODO and manifest |
27 |
* in the long term, we need to save/restore state from doit/importer |